Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Thanks to Deanna, I was able to make 3 loaves of banana bread! She gave me 7 really ripe bananas and Irelyn and I did lots of baking today. However, all 3 loaves are pretty much gone-given away and eaten. They were soooooo good though. I'll make more again soon and share... also please pass along your bananas if you are just going to throw them away.

My favorite Chocolate Chip Banana Bread recipe! (notice Irelyn's chunk taken out, haha)It almost always falls apart, but it tastes amazing.


kamesse said...


Becky said...

I don't really ever grocery shop, so I will never have extra bananas! :) But I will gladly go get some, so you can make me some chocolate chip banana bread! :) Looks scrumptious!

Anonymous said...

oh my god....this stuff is so awesome! thanks again for making it for us (i mean me)!!!! it's delicious!