Monday, August 11, 2008

It's starting...

A few days ago we got a call from Irelyn's soccer coach. Oh my gosh.... It's starting- the sports stuff, the school stuff.....she's growing up. Anyways, she gets to meet her team on Thursday and get her uniform. There are 10 other 4 year old girls on her team. It is going to be the cutest thing ever. I'm so excited for her to meet so many little girls her age and probably lots of girls she will go to elementary school with. For George and I- we're curious to see the different types of parents.
There are 3 different categories that a sports parent can fall into...
1.Crazy, thinks their child is the best, never stops talking, shouts obnoxious stuff during the games
2.totally naive about the game, just happy to be there, sweet as can be
3.middle of the road, happy to be there also, but understands what is going on and how their child contributes

I'll let you know if my 3 categories change. There could be a 4th. George has already said "Do not tell him I coach." There are extremely competitive people out there and we don't want to be a part of that. If she loves it- Great. If it's not her thing- Great too. We are going to just be parents and support her. People think that since we love soccer we are going to be crushed if Irelyn doesn't. That is so silly and I have seen the effects of people doing this to their kids. Irelyn already enjoys soccer, but we hope that this season helps her understand the sport a little better and that she meets some great friends :)


Heather said...

How exciting for Irelyn! I think it's great that you're not going to pressure her into loving soccer. If she likes it, great. If not, that's okay. You're such a good mom! Remember Mr. Luke and all the red cards? ha ha ha You're about to enter a whole new world with Irelyn in school and sports. So fun!

The 3 of us said...

HAHA Mr Luke- he was always getting red cards and then he would go stand behind the gate or in the parking lot. I wonder how many of those types will be on Irelyn's U5 team! LOL