Wednesday, August 13, 2008


As I'm preparing to go back to work, so many things have been going through my head. One thing is something that was said to me at my last job by a co-worker. She said "out of her ass" of course that you can't be a good teacher if you don't have kids. It wasn't directly said to me, but it was in a room full of teachers and I was the only childless one. I became pregnant with Irelyn about 2 months into the school year so it was probably during this time. I just remember hearing it and thinking "What a stupid thing to say. What is she talking about?" I didn't say anything to her because that is just not what I do, or ever have done. If people say things like that, the problem is them not me. I don't need to try to convince them they said something stupid because you can't change people like that. Anyways, as I think about this, I don't feel that I will be a different teacher now that I am a Mom. If you have the love of teaching kids- then it is a gift, not something you gain by becoming a Mom. So off to work I go (well in 3 weeks), until then I'll be at the beach!


Heather said...

You're right. I'm always the one to speak up though and tell the person they're an idiot. I know you can't change people, but they should know I think they're an idiot. Ha ha. I don't have kids, but I loved teaching kinders and 1st grade so much.

So exciting that you're going to teach again! Enjoy the next three weeks. Can't wait to hear your teaching stories ;).

The 3 of us said...

I probably should speak up but I find it tiring... That's why you are the lawyer ;)