Sunday, November 30, 2008

2 days

The past 2 days have been crazy! Yesterday started just as it was supposed to, but took a turn and flip flopped and then my Christmas tree fell over... and broke some ornaments. The crazy 2 days ended today with my dad and I taking my dumb tree back to Target- the manager was super cool and gave me a more expensive tree at the cheap tree price. Yay for Target!!!!

I blogged each day for the month of November. It was actually a good thing- I found myself reading more friends blogs and catching up with their lives and I tried to find something good or happy to blog about each day(except for my moving Santa post). Who knows if I will continue to blog each day...I just might :)

Friday, November 28, 2008


Ahhhh...a much needed break from the everyday. See you when we get back...

To shop or not to shop

Every year, since I can remember, my mom, sister and I would go shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Not necessarily for the sales, though sometimes yes, but more for just getting out to do something together and it became a tradition. Sometimes we would hit the 5am places. I can recall standing out front of the South Coast Plaza Disney Store at 5am at least 15 years ago- I got a little Holiday Pooh stuffed animal for being one of the first in line. Ha!!
But as we have gotten older, and the little ones have come, the shopping has ceased a bit. This AM we decided to go. We got to the mall around 9am and it was crowded, but not as crowded as it was when I left at 12:30. Irelyn came with me (with bags of jelly beans and stuffed animals.) I purchased some jeans because they were 50% off, got Irelyn a dress, and me a sweater.
I could barely push the stroller through people, the lines were 20 people long- it was absolute madness. I realized how much I love shopping when no one is there. The lines just aren't worth it to me. But will I go next year? Probably...
Yep, that's right- no Christmas purchases.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope your day was filled with all of the things that you hold dear.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I have so much to do, so much on my mind today. I found this fun blog months ago(I have no idea how I found it) and it is a great little mom site. Fun things to do, neat ideas etc. So check it out.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


This was the most difficult gingerbread thing we have ever made! The frosting wouldn't stick- that is why part of it is not frosted. Irelyn loved it so whatever, but they really need to make their frosting better. She put her little princess dolls inside to sleep for the night :)

Monday, November 24, 2008

A great afternoon

An empty box, some free time... One cool car!

This picture makes me laugh :)

P.S. excuse the backyard, we got new fences and I have yet to put the yard back together

Sunday, November 23, 2008

So cute

How fun is this going to be?!?! Who can pass up a Gingerbread Castle? Not us!!! Irelyn and I fell in love with it. Completed pictures to come...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thanksgiving menu

I think we have our Thanksgiving menu planned, but only for Thanksgiving 2 (at 3pm). I haven't heard yet on Thanksgiving 1 (at 12pm).

Mashed potatoes
Fresh rolls (wheat and white) from French's
Roasted green beans with toasted almonds, olive oil and lemon juice
A fresh and yummy salad
Sweet potatoes (my mom's special recipe)
All of the extras of course- cranberry sauce, pickles, gravy etc.
2 pies- pumpkin and apple

I think that's it. We try to change it up each year, but we ultimately stay with most of the same items. That's what makes it Thanksgiving!... and the fact that every year someone burns the marshmallows on the sweet potatoes :)

Friday, November 21, 2008

My thoughts

  • I'm trying to figure out what to do for our Christmas cards this year. All of us in the pic, just Irelyn, make cards, buy them??? The list goes on and on. It's not really a huge deal, but I've still been thinking about it.
  • George has some time off in December so we are thinking of going on vacation. Don't know where yet, but I'm open to suggestions. We're not looking to spend a ton, just looking for something fun as a family.
  • Time is flying. Seriously, I can't believe it is the Holidays already.
  • I need to clean my house. and I'd like a new couch
  • I have some other personal thoughts that probably aren't appropriate for this blog... Hmmm

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Good Nite Lite

This would be great for us since Irelyn has been waking up around 5:30 or 6. It's an alarm clock(without the alarm) for kids.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No words on this Wednesday

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

10 things I'm loving mid- November

1. My new bare minerals purchases from QVC
2. Going to the beach in the evening
3. Soups!
4. Irelyn writing words and posting them on the fridge
5. Doing Christmas art at school
6. Getting ready to put the Christmas decorations up next Friday
7. The understanding and love my husband and I share
8. Having lots of family events
9. The way things are changing/growing in our lives
10. Stopping to chat with the 94 year old man walking in the mall. He certainly had some wisdom to share.

I want to hear what you are loving :) Happy November!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

Monday- Homemade Turkey Noodle Soup
Tuesday- Veggies(cauli, broc, carrots, squash) and Brown Rice topped with cheese or salsa
Wednesday- Bacon Avocado Sandwiches, Salad
Thursday- Spaghetti, veggies
Friday- OUT!!!

I don't plan for Saturday or Sunday because things always come up. We either go out or do leftovers.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Great job Irelyn

Wow!!! Trophys are such a big deal. Irelyn was full of pride and excitement when her coach announced her and gave her a trophy. She has been carrying it around since yesterday and sets it on a shelf in each room she goes too :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hand Turkeys

Remember making hand turkeys? Irelyn loves making them just as much as I used to. Make it a crafty day :)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Photo Friday

Daddy and Irelyn

Nautical Museum- Balboa

Crazy windy day

Swinging with friends at school

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Come on MV! Seriously...changing a 38 year old tradition!? I'm so sad about it and hoping they will not move Santa's house from the 4 corners. I've complained- you should too!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Recipe Wednesday

I thought I would start posting some Holiday recipes that our family enjoys.

Twice Baked Potatoes
6 large baking potatoes
6 T. butter (or less depending on taste)
1/4 lb. bacon
1 med. onion (optional)
1/2 c. milk
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
1 c. shredded cheddar cheese

Scrub and pierce potatoes; place on a baking sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for one hour or until tender.
Meanwhile, cook bacon (I like to do it in the microwave). Saute onion in a little olive oil or butter until brown.
When potatoes are cool enough to handle, cut a thin slice off the top of each and throw away. Scoop out insides, leaving a thin shell. In a large bowl, mash potatoes and butter together. Stir in the milk, salt and pepper to taste. Then stir in the cheese, onion, and bacon.
Spoon filling back into potato shells. Place on a baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes or until heated through.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

8:30am at the beach

Who knew that one of the most beautiful mornings at the beach would be November 11. Just gorgeous. All of my faves were there too- my daughter, my husband, coffee!, and the ocean. LOVED IT!

Fun with Daddy

Irelyn taking her moose for a walk

Monday, November 10, 2008


Menu Plan Monday

I did a pretty good job planning ahead this week.

Monday- pasta, salad
Tuesday- roasted turkey, mashed potatoes, veggies
Wednesday- bean and barley soup (crockpot)
Thursday- pot roast, veggies, salad
Friday- TACOS (A house favorite!!!)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

One of our faves

After going to our favorite Mongolian BBQ restaurant, I felt I needed to give a review. You all need to go there! but let me give you the details first.
The Genghis Khan Mongolian BBQ has been around for years- at least 25 years because George has been going there that long- I've only been going for about 12 years. Anyways, it is located in Lake Forest near all of the new construction. They have managed to stay hidden in the back and untouched. I'm not sure I want to know what their future is as I watch the stores around it be torn down and rebuilt. This restaurant is such a throw back to the old 80's, even 70's, dark restaurants in MV and LF. The decor hasn't changed much, but it is always clean, the staff is friendly and the food is awesome! We usually order the all you can eat BBQ which costs $13 and comes with soup, rice, and pocket breads(YUM!!!!). They have 4 meat choices and several vegetables to choose from. Then you get to make your own sauce based on your spice and flavor level. We definitely recommend you go!!! Have fun :)

The address is
23615 El Toro Rd Ste PLake Forest, CA 92630

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Last week at Irelyn's soccer game she was so upset. She was crying, didn't want to play and ended up sitting next to me for the whole game. All week we have tried to figure out what was wrong so that she would feel better for today's game. We didn't have much luck so I was sort of dredding today... About 20 minutes before we were supposed to leave for the game, Irelyn started to avoid me. She was playing in her room which most of you know is very out of character for her- she likes to be near the action(me doing chores). Anyways, I was going back and forth about what to do. This is what I thought the options were:

  • Make her go even if she was crying
  • Stay home and not go
  • Take her and have what happened last week happen again

After a little bit of talking, I somehow convinced her to give it another try. She happily got ready and hopped into the car. As soon as we got to warm-up, the crying started. She ended up sitting next to me for the first quarter, but when her coach asked her to go on at the start of the second quarter she said "Yes." She started running around, kicked the ball a few times, and of course gave me a bunch of waves. And then all of a sudden, she ended up in front of the goal, the ball came to her and SHE SCORED! a hard shot too just like we knew she could kick. It was ridiculous and to see her do a complete 180 attitude change was crazy! That is just the type of kid she is and although I am used to it, it still is hard to handle sometimes.

*Moral of the story* Only YOU know your child best. Always do what you feel is the best choice for them, not what anyone else thinks.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Christmas already?

With Santa arriving at the malls this weekend, I feel like I am late in decorating. It is driving me crazy, but I have held out. My boxes are staying the garage for now--as is my tree.
Anyways, I have my eye on a few Lisa Leonard pieces for Christmas. I would love to buy them now :) but that would ruin the surprise of opening them(with a card from George of course) on Christmas morning.
Check out her designs here-

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I have had ONE OF THOSE DAYS. Super busy, just got home and it's 7:30pm, blah blah blah.
So I'm posting pics only today. Plus I wanted to dig up some old photos :)

The day after Irelyn was born

Irelyn 1 year old

Always laughing- 2 years old

Go dig up some of your pictures. It will definitely put a smile on your face :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Recipe Wednesday

I'm sure everyone has this recipe, but if you don't this is a must have. Super simple and great for lots of occasions.

Pork Chops and Rice
Brown 4 pork chops in a hot pan.
Place in 9X13 pan. Pour 1/2 c. regular rice over top.
Add 1 can chicken noodle soup + 1 can of water
Cover with foil for 45 minutes at 350 degrees.
Uncover and bake approx. 30 more minutes.
(the bake time somewhat depends on the thickness of your chops)

Serve with a salad or veggies.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tackle it Tuesday

I decided to tackle Irelyn's room today. Her closet needed to be cleaned out, rearranged etc. This is a pic after we had already started.

11:30 and Irelyn still in her jammies- 2 bags for the used store, 1 bag of stuff to sell on ebay, 1 bag of hangers, and 1 bag to donate...

And after all that cleaning-the fort! (pic taken through the secret princess castle opening)

And this is how each day ends. Irelyn putting her dolls to bed :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

This is ridiculous

Have you ever tried to cook something and it came out completely wrong or didn't work at all? I usually don't have too many problems, but this pea soup was so frustrating! I have made it several times before and as I look back, I think it gives me problems every time. I soaked the split peas overnight, and the put them in the crock pot at 7:45am with the onions, carrots, and celery. I put it on low because we were going to be out for a while and I wanted to make sure it had enough water. It should have been on high probably, but I figured by the time I got home it should be mostly done and then I could turn it up to high. I got home at 2:30pm and they weren't even soft!!! Not even a little, so I turned it up to high. Around 4:30pm I checked it again and there was no way it was going to be done for dinner. George ended up not being able to come home for dinner so I thought I could just save it for the next day. I left it cooking while Irelyn and I went to Baja Fresh for dinner. Long story short(haha too late for that) 10pm I finally pureed it with my hand blender and put it in the fridge. Are you kidding me?!!! Well, atleast dinner is already done for tonight.
I will spare you the recipe :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pixie Hollow

You all know I am a sucker for Disney so this will come as no surprise....the new Tinker Bell movie and the new Pixie Hollow at Disneyland are so cute!!!! The movie is really good, Irelyn loved it and has already watched it twice. We went to Pixie Hollow today and Irelyn met
Tinker Bell and Silvermist. She was wearing her Silvermist dress so she was super happy Silvermist was there. We all had a great time! And I definitely recommend the movie :)

Nov 1

Apparently, November is National Blog posting month. So.....I'm a day late but this post should have been done yesterday. I'm really going to try to blog each day--- come back to read 29 more posts!
Halloween was so much fun this year. Irelyn's final costume choice was a leopard kitty. She looked super cute and so did all her friends. They lasted for about an hour and a half trick or treating. There were several houses that Irelyn refused to get candy from because she said they were too scary. LOL I hope you all had a great Halloween. Here are some pictures