Friday, November 28, 2008

To shop or not to shop

Every year, since I can remember, my mom, sister and I would go shopping the day after Thanksgiving. Not necessarily for the sales, though sometimes yes, but more for just getting out to do something together and it became a tradition. Sometimes we would hit the 5am places. I can recall standing out front of the South Coast Plaza Disney Store at 5am at least 15 years ago- I got a little Holiday Pooh stuffed animal for being one of the first in line. Ha!!
But as we have gotten older, and the little ones have come, the shopping has ceased a bit. This AM we decided to go. We got to the mall around 9am and it was crowded, but not as crowded as it was when I left at 12:30. Irelyn came with me (with bags of jelly beans and stuffed animals.) I purchased some jeans because they were 50% off, got Irelyn a dress, and me a sweater.
I could barely push the stroller through people, the lines were 20 people long- it was absolute madness. I realized how much I love shopping when no one is there. The lines just aren't worth it to me. But will I go next year? Probably...
Yep, that's right- no Christmas purchases.