Sunday, November 30, 2008

2 days

The past 2 days have been crazy! Yesterday started just as it was supposed to, but took a turn and flip flopped and then my Christmas tree fell over... and broke some ornaments. The crazy 2 days ended today with my dad and I taking my dumb tree back to Target- the manager was super cool and gave me a more expensive tree at the cheap tree price. Yay for Target!!!!

I blogged each day for the month of November. It was actually a good thing- I found myself reading more friends blogs and catching up with their lives and I tried to find something good or happy to blog about each day(except for my moving Santa post). Who knows if I will continue to blog each day...I just might :)


Becky said...

I hope you continue to blog. Although I am quitter, I still read your blog daily!

Heather said...

I love how you've been blogging every day! I've been reading your posts daily ;). Love it!