Saturday, July 19, 2008

Some Soccer and Some Sprinkles...

We spent part of the day at the soccer fields today- Irelyn loves pretending she is the one in the tournament. She got all dressed up in her gear but she ended up mostly playing at the park. George's club has their tournament this weekend- here is the link for those of you that follow his stuff. We also went to Sprinkles since we were already in Newport/ CDM. Irelyn LOVED the store, she couldn't believe her luck!!! She chose the chocolate cake with vanilla frosting and chocolate sprinkles. We picked some up for the rest of the family and $19 later... seriously crazy but soooo good!

George and Irelyn at our picnic

I still don't understand how to get my pictures where I want them or in the right order. Do I upload them first and then write? Or write and then upload? I know there is an easier way to do this. Uggghhhh...


Heather said...

I upload first, then write. It's still kind of a hassle though to get the writing and pictures the way you want them. I wind up editing a million times! There must be an easier way...

I love how Irelyn pretends she's playing in the tournament. Will she join a team next year?

kamesse said...

Mmmm... I love me some Sprinkles!

I usually upload all the pics, then click and drag them to the order I want, then add text, then center it. I try to make sure the spacing is how I want before centering because sometimes it whigs out and I have huge spaces. If it just isn't working out at all, it seems to like me more if I make it all go back to flush left and then fix it. But, it seems to all work one day, but not the next - even if I do the same thing. Go figure.

I love your blog... makes me want a cute girl!

Becky said...

I was going to post on the same subject! I can never get my pics in the right order! It drives me crazy!

I think I will post about cupcakes later, too.