Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm losing it!

You know how I lose stuff all the time? Well, today was no exception. I'm working on my organizing but I'm not quite there yet. Geez, after 15 minutes I finally found what I was looking for, in one of my piles of course, but I just wasted 15 minutes! I've got to get organized. Some of you are super organized...Any tips for me?


Heather said...

We're looking for a nice file cabinet right now. I'm in the same boat! My "piles" are not cutting it lately, especially as we try to gather paperwork for this adoption ;).

Becky said...

My car looks like yours, so I don't think I am going to be able to give you tips of organization. I love my pile files! However, I am usually able to find things in my piles.