Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Sharing is such a weird concept when you are a parent. What can be shared? Under what circumstances? When is it unfair to share? Who has to share? Oh man!

For instance, at the beach. We bring sand toys, Irelyn doesn't play with them but instead runs into the water. A little boy, 14 months or so, comes over to play..which is fine by me. The mom doesn't ask which is fine also. But then, the little boy takes our shovel goes to another part of the beach and then it is finally returned half and hour later. Hmmm fine I guess but Irelyn was looking for it so that starts a whole other situation. Then the little boy and a girl now manage to come get our sand toys and begin bringing them over to their towels one by one. Hmmm- neither mom intervenes or does anything... Irelyn wants her stuff I go over to get them and the mom looks at me and says "Well he doesn't know any better." Of course he doesn't that's why he has a mom.... to teach him that stuff. So then I get dirty looks the rest of the time at the beach for being selfish! LOL

I have kind of always had the rule that you don't play with other kids stuff at the beach, park etc because it's theirs. And it's hard to keep track of too. You all know that when you bring toys to a park you always end up minus 1. It's practically a law that 1 of whatever you bring is left or taken at the park.

More rambling to come...