Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Things that confuse me

  • why do I always lose a sock in the dryer?
  • where does the dust come from?
  • how can Irelyn be so happy and then the next second screaming and crying for no reason?
  • how my car got scratched on the hood
  • why there are always dishes on the counter next to the sink
  • why does Sleeping Beauty have purple eyes?
  • why is my AV Trader Joe's not open yet?
  • the annoying Kindergarten cut-off date that no one follows...
  • why they put onions and hot sauce on Taco Bell burritos- yuck!
  • why the food just disappears around here
  • why everyone just can't get along


Heather said...

Ha ha! Great list! I share some of your confusion/ frustration...the dishes, the missing food, the scratches on my car, the dust, the socks, the yucky sauce on the Taco Bell burritos...