Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sick kid and the radio and Valentines Day

Yesterday Irelyn didn't go to school because she had a fever. I drove the whole way to work listening to my favorite talk show without any interruptions! I love listening to Jeff and Jer on 94.1. I love that I get San Diego stations way up here. But I hate that part of Laguna Hills where the signal goes out. Anyways, the topic yesterday morning was "What do women really want for Valentines Day?" They wanted women to call in and tell them what they wanted...they claim only 17% actually want flowers.
What the callers said:
1. Dinner made by husband
2. A love letter
3. A night alone, at home, without the kids
4. A massage
5. A sunset evening at the beach
6. For the husband to make the plans

I wanted to listen to more, but had to work :(
What do you want for Valentines Day??


kamesse said...

I'd love any and all of the above, but it will probably be none of the above!!

adrienne said...

My husband made babysitting plans AND dinner plans for me for tonight! YAY!! I can't complain.

Becky said...

I want a big, sparkly ring! :)