Sunday, January 4, 2009


Today was sort of a lazy, fun day. Tomorrow is George's 36th Birthday and tonight we went out to dinner at Mongolian BBQ. George has been going there for his birthday since he was about 12...we have been going there together since 1996. However, our times there are not limited to birthdays. :) See my Mongolian BBQ post a few months ago...

We spent the day at one of our favorite parks riding bikes and playing at the playground. Just look at the views from this park- gorgeous! George and I actually ride our scooters and we are desperately in need of a few bikes. Scooters are fun, but I've almost wiped out a few times.

Irelyn is going through this funny phase where she doesn't really smile for pictures. It's like she can't even fake a smile or something. I guess George and I look kind of silly too... I am fully convinced the best pictures are not posed ones.


Becky said...

I made a mosaic, too. That was fun.

You look great in your picture! I love your hair!

kamesse said...

Which park is that? I know I've been to most, but that one doesn't look familiar. Looks like a great place for scooters!!

Anonymous said...

Ha! That is too funny about her not smiling. Jake won't even look at the camera until bribed these days. Oh, and you'll be happy to know I'm having a terrible time potty training Tyler...payback for my first easy potty trainer, I guess!
I know you stopped by my cozyliving blog from time to time and I think you might enjoy my new blog at
I'll be sharing a lot of the same content as I did before, but there will be a much more emphasized spiritual theme there. I hope you'll stop by sometime soon.

Heather said...

Happy Birthday to George!!! 36?!?! Time flies ;). I love the family picture. You look hot! Love your hair and outfit!

Irelyn is hilarious. When can I meet her? Maybe it will be more fun when we have a little person too :).