Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Countdown list

10 of my favorite things at the moment:
1. my jeans
2. coffee
3. the weather
4. only working 3 days a week
5. having a clean house
6. my friends and family
7. my crazy, funny daughter
8. ice cream
9. bagel sandwiches
10. Disneyland
9 things that make me laugh:
1. Irelyn
2. American Idol
3. you tube stuff
4. the kids in my class
5. The Soup
6. the crazy soccer people that call George
7. the way I always lose a sock in the laundry
8. when I say Yes to Irelyn when I wasn't really listening- oops
9. jokes- do you know any?
8 best memories:
1. Kerrie and I telling each other to get up at midnight and walk down the street. I think we were 10 or so.
2. Summer of '96
3. graduating h.s. and grad nite
4. getting married
5. the day Irelyn was born
6. the day we found out Irelyn was coming :)
7. many sneaky h.s. nights
8. club soccer with my United girls and my MVHS girls
7 things on my to do list:
1. the dishes
2. student assessments
3. lesson plans
4. laundry
5. clean up and plant flowers in the backyard
6. scrapbook pictures from the past 4 years
7. grocery store
6 hopes or wishes for this year:
1. for people to stop losing their jobs
2. to be a great mom and wife
3. keep a clean, organized house (I know some of you are laughing)
4. play soccer with a team again
5. go on a family vacation that doesn't involve soccer, computers or cell phones...
6. more George and Me time
5 things that are bothering me:
1. stuff at work
2. not enough time to get everything done in a day
3. no alone time
4. my unfinished scrapbooks
5. the not-so-good health of 3 family members
4 long-term goals, hopes, or desires:
I haven't figured this out yet- this would take much thought and I'm not in a soul-searching kind of mood.
3 things I wish I could do but can't:
1. re- do my whole house
2. go out of town whenever I want
3. get on a cruise ship to the Caribbean right now!
2 bad habits:
1. I pick at my nails
2. impulse buying
1 confession:
1. Yeah right! I'm not confessing anything!!!


Heather said...

Yay for the countdown! I loved reading about you. So fun ;).

I hope your family members are okay.

I would like to re-do our whole house too....and get on a cruise ship!